The website of the basset hound club

About the club
The Club’s Newsletter, the first of which appeared in 1957, together with the Website helps to keep members informed of events in the Basset world in general and in particular of other’s activities and opinions at home and abroad. A Record Book, now a yearly publication ‘The Scent’ combines newsletter and the Record Book into one glossy publication.
There are Regional Branches of the Club in the Midlands and further South and members of the Club are entitled to join these on payment of a small additional annual membership fee. The Branches hold various functions in their areas, guarantee classes at local Open Shows and some publish Newsletters for their Members. Contact details for Branch secretaries can be found on the Branch Information page.

About the club
The Basset Hound Club was re-formed in 1954 and its principal functions are to look after the interests of the Breed, to promote classes at Shows and to hold Shows at Open and Championship level, and to foster friendliness and co-operation between Members whether they are interested in Showing or having a Basset Hound as a pet. Members of the Club pay an annual subscription which includes free Third Party Insurance cover for members and their hounds on a BHC organised event i.e. a Show or Branch Functions including walks. Membership information is available on the Membership page.
The Club’s Newsletter, the first of which appeared in 1957, together with the Website helps to keep members informed of events in the Basset world in general and in particular of other’s activities and opinions at home and abroad. A Record Book, now a yearly publication ‘The Scent’ combines newsletter and the Record Book into one glossy publication.
There are Regional Branches of the Club in the Midlands and further South and members of the Club are entitled to join these on payment of a small additional annual membership fee. The Branches hold various functions in their areas, guarantee classes at local Open Shows and some publish Newsletters for their Members. Contact details for Branch secretaries can be found on the Branch Information page.