THE BASSET HOUND CLUB The website of the basset hound club 2022 Championship Show batch_Minor Puppy Dogbatch_Yearling Bitchbatch_Veteran Bitch and Best Veteran in Showbatch_Veteran Dog, Best Opposite Veteran In Showbatch_Special Beginners Dog and Winner Junior Handlerbatch_Reserve Bitch CC winnerbatch_Puppy Dog, Best Puppy Dog and Best Puppy in ShowPuppy Bitchbatch_Post Graduate Dogbatch_Open Dog, Dog CC and Best in Showbatch_Open Bitch , Bitch CC Winnerbatch_Limit Dogbatch_Junior Dogbatch_Limit Bitchbatch_Junior Bitchbatch_Breeders Dogbatch_Breeders Bitchbatch_Best Puppy BitchBest In Showbatch_Yearling Dog, Reserve Dog CC and Reserve Best In Show Go Back