The website of the basset hound club
Rules and ethics

basset hound club rules
- To promote the welfare of the Basset Hound and to encourage its breeding in accordance with the Standard laid down by the Kennel Club.
- To hold Shows, Working Trials and to promote classes for the breed at other Shows.
- To assist and facilitate the activities of all Members and to advise and encourage those Members who have no previous experience of the breed. Such activities may include Showing, Hunting and Working Trials.
The Basset Hound Club Rules can be downloaded from our Downloads page.
code of ethics
- Properly house, feed, water and exercise all hounds under your care and arrange for appropriate veterinary attention if and when required.
- Keep your hound’s vaccinations up to date and worm regularly.
- Do not allow your hounds to roam at large or to cause a nuisance to any of your neighbours or those carrying out official duties.
The full The Basset Hound Club Code of Ethics can be downloaded from our Downloads page.